SEETO Road Route 4 – Investment Plan, Feasibility Studies, Earthworks and Structures, Montenegro (2012-2013)
Road Route 4 connecting the port of Bar with Corridor 10 in Serbia. Part of Montenegro’s highway network lies on Route 4 stretch of core road network defined by the South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO). SEETO road route 4 runs for 597 kmbetween Vatin (Romanian border) – Belgrade (Serbia) – Podgorica (Montenegro) – Bar (Montenegro). Montenegrin portion runs for approx. 180km, generally North – South, from Serbian border to the coast at Djurmani where it intersects SEETO road route 1 or Adriatic highway.
Feasibility studies and general designs for alternative alignments of the project, for earthworks (cuts, embankments, ground improvements, rock fall & avalanches), tunnels (approx.29km of road tunnels per branch with cross section approx. 90-120m²) and other structures.

Ministry Of Transport & Maritime Affairs Montenegro EBRD Financed Project – URS SCOTTWILSON – United Kingdom
Feasibility Studies / Earthworks / Tunnels / Highway Structures