Athens – Patras High Speed Railway Line – Section Kiato – Egio, Greece (2007-2010)
Athens – Patras High Speed Railway Line, Section Kiato – Egio, Greece
Services provided:
1. Detailed final design for the excavation, temporary support and final lining of Trapeza Railway Tunnel (single bore double track railway tunnel, l=2,760m, E/M niches every 25m and two emergency exits total l=400m, max. excav. cross section 40m²). Underground mined part of 2,714m NATM design max. excav. cross section 150m².
2. Detailed final design for the excavation, temporary support and final lining of the western stretch l=500m. of Platanos main railway tunnel (single bore double track railway tunnel) NATM design, with max. excav. cross section 150m². E/M niches every 25m. designed also.
3. Detailed final application designs of the temporary works at the entrance and exit portals of Trapeza railway tunnel.
4. Detailed final application design of the temporary works at the exit portal of Platanos railway tunnel.
5. Detailed final designs for the water drainage tunnel below Trapeza railway tunnel (total l=200m. of the water drainage tunnel, max. excav. cross section 7m²) designed with pipe jacking technique with the use of Tunnel Boring Machine – TBM. All necessary structures (starting shaft, exit shaft, culverts, etc.) were also designed.

Central Greece
Railway Tunnels / Hydraulics